Ensuring that every stride taken is a step towards a future where opportunities are boundless and success is shared and celebrated collectively.


Plans Room


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+1 512-467-6894

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6448 Hwy 290 East | Suite E-107, Austin Texas 78723

+1 512-467-6894

Tools & Resources


ABCA provides a plans room to allow its’ membership and other small and minority contractors to review and check-out construction plans and specifications received from the public and private sectors. Since covid, plans and spaces are no longer disseminated to the ABCA.


The checkout of plans and specifications are on a first come, first serve basis. 


The plans room also maintains other bid documents such as ---- 

• amendments and addendum on upcoming construction projects 

• plan holder lists 

• potential prime bidder lists

• historical bid and proposal data 

• bid tabulation results; and 

• MBE/WBE/DBE/HUB participation tracking reports


The plans room hours of operation: Monday – Thursday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.


Potential prime bidders offer website links to receive these bidding documents. However the ABCA will facilitate in accessing these documents when the contractors have difficulties in this effort.


Additionally, the ABCA provide work space to review these documents.